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Ensure to have all info before beginning application process

You must supply all information below to be considered for a trade space.

  • Name of Business
  • Company / Contact Details
  • Trade Stand Type/Size Option/Structure
  • Product & Service Details. 
  • FOOD STANDS where cooking is involved traders MUST contact Stella Davis @ 087 9082670 before booking.
  • Insurance Details & Letter from Insurer* - WE REQUIRE 2 INSURANCE DOCUMENTS, CERTIFICATE & INDEMNITY.  THIS INDEMNITY IS SHOW SPECIFIC AND MUST INDEMNIFY GOREY AGRICULTURAL SHOW, IRISH SHOWS ASSOCIATION AND OUR LANDOWNER.   CERTIFICATEINDEMNITY MUST BE UPLOADED - do not email us with these documents - letter must include all requested details as laid out in the sample letter and terms and conditions.
  • Acceptance of Terms & Conditions including access times - Read all terms and conditions in detail.
  • Payment Details

                - Credit card (Preferred method with online application)
                - Bank transfer - Include order reference.


**To avoid any delays, please ensure you have all checklist information to hand before you begin your  application process online**


Trade Stand Insurance Letter 2024.pdf
(141.04 KB)